Water Family


Oxbow x Water Family

Our CSR approach focuses on 2 main areas:

The first one focuses on GHG emissions, in particular through the carbon footprint and the LCA.

The second one is about water, as we are a water-intensive industry. We collaborate with the Water Family association, which aims to educate and raise awareness about the preservation of water, our health and all living things.


Training of the whole Oxbow team

Thanks to the Water Family, we have trained all our employees in Module 1 "Water Responsible: Water from A to Z", during the year 2022.

The aim of this first step was to raise our employees' awareness of climate issues and their daily impact: carbon footprint, water use and raw materials for our consumer goods.

Because acting at the source means changing our consumption patterns.


School Training

In a second phase, we have also decided to finance 4 interventions of the Water family taking place during the school year 2022/2023, in the Bordeaux region.

The pupils of cycle 2 or cycle 3 will also attend the module 1 "Water Responsable: Water from A to Z", in the form of sensitizations adapted to their age.

Because acting at the source means educating/raising the awareness of the younger generations, who are the key to sustainable change.

Sponsorship agreement

 In 2022, we signed a sponsorship agreement with the Water Familly association, enabling us to donate all profits from the sale of our Snow Wear Collector collection - Winter 2022 - on our return to the ski/snow scene. Thanks to this, in 2023 Water Familly will be able to educate over 700 elementary school children about water conservation.


Limited Edition Collector collection

For the summer 2023 season, 3 new iconic pieces inspired by the late 80s, notably with the return of the checkerboard, have seen the light of day.

The first appearance of the checkerboard in Oxbow collections dates back to 1986. So this new collection goes back to the very DNA of the brand, not only in terms of the motifs, but also in terms of the French craftsmanship.

These pieces, produced in a limited edition of 85, also echo the year of the brand's creation. As for winter 2022, profits from the sale of these pieces will be entirely donated to the Water family, with the aim of making more young people aware of environmental issues and the preservation of water and living organisms.

For these 3 products, we are committed to donate all profits to the Water Family association.

Together, let's act at the source!



You can download their free Water Responsible Guide here: